Have you ever felt that you are not capable of doing anything in life ? Ever felt that you are useless and are never going to achieve anything in life ? If yes then this article is for you.
In a world where cases of bullying and abuse are on a rise, where people judge you not on the basis of your character but on the basis of how you look or what your sexual preferences are or what the color of you skin is, a world where social media is filled with news of people achieving something, the lack of self-worth is one of the most pressing issues that we face. 
Lack of self-worth is where a person sees himself as inadequate, unlovable or incapable of doing something.
Everyone has times when our confidence is at an all time low, when it has hard to believe in yourself, when it feels that you are good for nothing, but if this becomes a long term situation then it may lead to problems including mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
Here are some statistics that provide a fearful insight into the ill-effects of a low self-esteem:
  • A stunning 85% of the world population are affected by low self esteem
  • Over 70% of girls age 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities, such as attending school, when they feel bad about their looks.
  • About 20% of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood
  • In a survey it was found that insecurity about appearance was the leading cause of low self esteem in teenagers, followed by inability to do something. Sexual orientation and religion were also reasons for low self-esteem
  • Instagram was found to be the worst app for self esteem whereas YouTube was found to be the good for increasing self esteem
   A low self esteem has the following side-effects on an individual:
  • A constant feeling of anxiety and loneliness, exposing them to chances of depression
  • Increased vulnerability to drugs, alcohol and smoking
  • Deterioration of relationships
  • Low academic and work performance
  • Indulgence in activities like bullying and other abusive behavior
As a lack of self-esteem has so many negative consequences on individuals as well as the society on whole, it has become imperative to address this issue and find out the solutions for this problem.
Before we dive into the solutions to the problem let's first understand what causes a person to have a low self-esteem:
  • A poor childhood
  • Negligent/uninvolved parents
  • Negative influence by peers
  • Poor choices made in the past
  • A negative image of one's own body
  • Poor academic performance 
  • Bullying or physical or sexual abuse
  • Name calling and teasing in school or the work environment
As we can see a low self esteem does not necessarily mean that we are useless or we are inadequate. It is simply the image that we have formed of ourselves based on the opinions of other people.
So what do we do in order to get out of the problem?
  • Focusing on what we have rather than what we don't have: Each one of us has been gifted with a unique quality that makes us who we are. We always tend to complain about things that we are not good at or things that we don't possess and in this process we forget about things that we have which people around us don't have. Take a step towards knowing your worth, tell us in the comments section below,about a unique talent that you possess, something you are good at, something that distinguishes you from the people around you
  • Don't feel inferior if you haven't found your unique talent: You'll find your talent sooner or later. It's never to late. Some people find it earlier in life while some find it a little later. Just remember it's never too late in life
  • All that glitter is not gold: Don't get insecure about things that you see on social media. Not everything that you see around is real
  • Accept yourself if you want people to accept you:Self acceptance is the key to getting accepted by others. Stop comparing yourselves to others. If you accept yourself, and not only accept but also embrace yourself, no one will have the courage to demean you based on your flaws
  • Connect the dots: This Steve Jobs theory suggests that we should look in the past and try to connect the little pieces of life. This reminds us of how much we have accomplished in our life and how we have overcome even the greatest obstacles. This helps us understand that we can do magic in life if we believe i ourselves
  • Surround yourself with good people: The company that one has largely determines his or her self esteem. If your peer group teases you on the basis of your looks or your preferences then you are bound to have a low self esteem. If you surround yourself with people who support you to do good things the chances are that you will have a high self esteem
  • Express gratitude in life: It's important that we express gratitude in life.This practice makes us realize that there are so many things that we are blessed with in life. I have adopted this practice of listing down at least 3 things in my life that i am grateful for.I do this every morning as soon as i get up . This practice has helped me rejoice over the things that i have rather than fret over things that i don't have
  • Start doing something for the needy: Doing something for someone else helps you shift your focus from yourself to someone else. It helps you to temporarily forget about yourself and think about someone else. Moreover giving back to the society helps us gain a sense of accomplishment which elevates our mood and also our self-esteem
The best gift you can have is the human life. You can be thankful for this gift only by living it to the fullest. Every time you doubt yourself or feel that you are inadequate or incapable, you do injustice to this gift. There maybe times when you may feel that you are not good for anything but don't let the feeling of worthlessness overpower you. Stand up and tell yourself 'I Can And I Will Do It' .

Please show some love for my first blog in the comments section. Suggestions and Questions are always welcomed. 


  1. We need blogs like these for self awareness and to appreciate who we are. Love yourself guys.

    1. Thank you Kshitija! Will try to keep on posting such content. And yes guys keep loving yourself !

  2. Well written Narendra :D ! I would love to read more such blogs.

  3. Great piece of information to keep us going in these terribly trying times. Looking forward to browsing through more of your works! God bless, truly.

  4. This article is really amazing!!!
    I loved it. These times are tough, we need to spread the word and the gift of confidence and this article does just this!! Great work

  5. A very well written and informative article, Narendra. Waiting for more!

  6. Good going Narendra ! Keep it up
    Waiting for more articles ��

  7. Really relatable stuff 💯 keep going 👍

  8. Something that almost everyone needs... Infact tbh I needed one such post... Keep going and continue writing on such great topics of self improvement..


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